Getting Better About Packing a Lunch
If you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution to eat healthier and pack a lunch every day instead of eating out, but you are stuck when it comes to putting the plan into action, here are some tips to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
If you want to change your eating habits, it is essential to plan your meals in advance. This will not only save you calories, it will save you time and money. There are plenty of free, low cost meal-planning apps and online resources out there for you to use, or, if you prefer, you can sift through recipes from cookbooks at your kitchen table. Either way, you need to plan.
Once you have a plan in place, you will need to do a big grocery shop before the beginning of the work week. You should plan time on Saturday or Sunday to do the cooking, prepping and storing of your meals. Invest in reusable containers for your lunch to portion control and keep your food tasting fresh. These will be perfect for sandwiches, vegetables, fruit and salad.
Organize your refrigerator to include easy-to-grab, healthy snacks that you can throw in your lunch bag. Stack and label your reusable containers with the date and items included for quick reference. As you run out the door each day, just grab your lunch and go! You will be less tempted to eat from the snack machine or buy fast food if you bring your lunch to work everyday.